Friday, September 9, 2011

Compost Option Added by Eagle Scout

Joey Gonzalez recently completed upgrading our Science Quad recycle stations for his Eagle Scout project. His project was cleaning, then modifying seventeen outdoor recycle stations to include a compost option. Joey organized the re-cutting and re-labeling of the doors so that the left side is now labeled "COMPOST" as a place for banana peels, apple cores and cardboard trays. Anything we can rot in our compost bins, thereby reducing the waste stream headed to the Altamont Landfill.

The center receptacle label was changed from "Trash" to "Landfill" so that students are reminded of our goal of reducing the material headed to the landfill.

The right side receptacle was previously labeled "plastic bottles". This worked fine, but a decision was made to place Aluminum cans in the same slot as plastic bottles now labeled "RECYCLING."  This freed the left side for compost.
AP Environmental Science students performed as waste analysis last year, determining that most of the material in the trash receptacles could be composted. So this change will hopefully remove more of the compostables from our waste-stream.
Joey with a safety talk, and instructing his workers on how to install the modified doors and signs.
This project is counting on students in the Science Quad placing compostable materials in the left slot marked "COMPOST." If we can make this work in the seventeen LHS Science Quad recycling stations, then we will proceed to modify the remaining recycling stations on campus. LHS has fifty-seven outdoor recycling stations like the ones pictured.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool project! We (CleanRiver) are always excited to see people improving their recycling program. We're happy to be associated with such a passionate team as those at LHS. Have you seen our new Transition Series recycling containers? They are designed with interchangeable opening plates and graphics to make doing what you did here fast and easy!
