Thursday, March 14, 2013

Native plants and drip irrigation at LHS

Western Redbuds and Ceanothus are blooming alongside the Science Quad at LHS!  This Eagle Scout project used concepts from AP Environmental Science: California native plants, and an efficient drip irrigation system.

From the standpoint of the student, much of this project was in design and coordination with the school authorities. Consultation and approval were needed from the Principal, and with the grounds keepers, and with the APES teacher. Approval to tap into the watering system, along with designing the pressure step-down and filtration system was no small task.

Soil preparation, excavation, drainage as well as planting, and eventual coverage with mulch was planned out and implemented by the student project leader.

California native plants which belong in our Livermore Valley will succeed for many years. Consultation at Alden Lane nursery led to choosing the Redbud and Ceanothus.  California natives, along with use of drip irrigation systems, will reduce LHS use of a precious resource, fresh water.

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